Our job Central procurement unit

AMBRELEC is a partner with great expertise in the field of custom-made solutions to procurement outsourcing.
For several years now, large industrial groups have implemented a rationalisation of procurement costs and of the number of suppliers.
More and more large companies are increasingly relying on partners such as AMBRELEC in order to reduce the number and management of suppliers.
Centrale d'achats des solutions personnalisées de sous-traitance d’achats
Many open accounts, with small regular orders, have a financial impact which cannot always be measured but of which the full costs remain noticeable in the purchasing process.
AMBRELEC and several customers have entered procurement outsourcing agreements, of which the benefits are immediately measurable :
• Less suppliers, a single intermediary for many references, ranges, products or families…
• Reduction of costs, negotiation of a quantified market, reduction of transport and administrative costs
• Commitment depending on the agreement between both companies, availability guarantee of items in stock, safety stock.

Our team at your service

Our team remains at your disposal and will gladly help you define the levels of service you require,